Monday, January 29, 2007

Gladys Hardy on The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Ok this is starting to get annoying! Can anyone tell my why my youtube posts might be disappearing? The video is still on youtube and I was able to repost it and it was showing up for a while but then it just dissappeared. GRRR!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Gladys Hardy on The Ellen DeGeneres Show

This was too funny not to share. I hope I'm that witty when I'm 88.

Update: Due to technical difficulties I have been forced to repost the youtube clip in the next post. (Although a little work never hurt anybody, Reid.)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Alphabet According to Me

I got this from my friend A. I know they make their way around the web every now and then but it's kind of a fun way to share some stuff about yourself.

A-available or single? – available - I think I'm ready.
B-best friend - from back home - AEBB, here - Jeff
C-cake or pie? – hmm? How about one of each? ok ok cake if it's a birthday, pie for thanksgiving and christmas.
D-drink of choice? - orange juice for breakfast, water or Frutopia Tangerine Wavelength juice for other meals, cocktail - cosmopolitan
E-essential item I use everyday? – well toothbrush is a given (I hope) after that probably my laptop to stay in touch with the world.
F-favorite color? - Blue and it's complimentary colour orange
G-gummy bears or gummy worms? – hmm? another tough one. Many of my choices for food and entertainment are influenced by my mood at the time.
H-hometown- Nauwigewauk, NB although I don't think it even qualifies as a village.
I-indulgence – neck ties, and others that are common to all men.
J-January or February? – January– still high from Christmas time and the relief from the slowed down pace. By the time February comes I'm so over winter but we still have to endure at the very least another month of it but most likely two.
K-kids and names? I don't have any (yet) but I like the names Owen and Emma
L-life is incomplete without? – human contact
M-marriage date? – not yet but someday (maybe)
N-number of siblings? – 4, 3 brothers 1 sister (I'm the middle child)
O-oranges or apples? - Oranges
P-phobias or fears – heights, snakes and walking alone in the woods after dark.
Q-favorite quote? – "The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well." This quote is laid in the stone of the plaza by Eau Claire market and I walk over it every day on my way to work.
R-reasons to smile? – An unexpected email or phone call from a friend
S-season? - Summer
T-tag 3 or 4 people – If you want to, do. If you don't, don't.
U-unknown fact about me? – Wouldn't you like to know!
V-vegetable you don't like? – brussle sprouts
W-worst habit? – Where do I begin? Indecissiveness, procrastination, overly analytical...
Y-your favorite food? – How can you ask me to pick just one? Turkey dinner, lasagna, ruffles with french onion dip, chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream....
Z-zodiac? - According to my date of birth, I am an Aries. I don't think I fit the typical description of an Aries though. I think my meyers-briggs description, ISTP, is more accurate.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

A post to post

I need to do a post so that the first thing you see isn't a female posterior. I find it off putting as I'm sure most of my audience does as well. My apologies to those of you that are into that but I'm sure you'll understand.

I was pacing around my two room apartment trying to think of something to post when I noticed that I hadn't updated my left-hander's calendar that A gave me for Christmas. It's one of those page-a-day calendars and has a tidbit about left-handedness for each day of the year.
Scientific studies have found that the prevalence of left-handedness is higher among both homosexual men and women. I've found this to be true from personal experience as well. A large portion of the local clan are lefty's. Jeff is and he said while in San Fran he experienced this as well. While partaking of some Californian produce it was revealed that everyone present was not only gay but also left-handed. This list included Jeff and Doug as well as Darin and Chad. The apparent significance of this revelation was undoubtedly augmented by the fact that they were in the middle of a prayer session.

It would appear that us left-handers are in good company. According to my calendar for today, the last five generations of the British monarch have been left handed: Queen Victoria, King Edward VII, King George V, King George VI, and Queen Elizabeth II, as well as the next two heirs to the throne: Prince Charles and Prince William

Tomorrow, Americans will be observing Martin Luther King Jr day. He was left-handed too. This kind of makes me think that I should be accomplishing great things. I should probably start working on that.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Surprising Discoveries

So the other day I'm finishing up unpacking after my move and I find one of these
(the thong not the chick) in the back of my closet. At first I thought "What the ...!" and then "Gross!" and then "ew!" as I realized that it probably meant there was some of this
going on in my room prior to my taking possession of it. I know it happens. I'd just rather not think about it. It's not as bad as a hotel though. At least I know the bed is mine. After a minute I realized there was another possible explanation. Being gay seems to have caused me to realize that not everything is as it seems so the presence of a thong left behind by a former male tenant could also mean this.
It is a women's size large from La Senza but you just never know. I'm trying not to think of the possibility that it could also mean this.
Excuse me while I go wash my eyes with bleach. I'm just going to stick with this interpretation.
I don't know about you but I'm quite happy living in ignorant bliss. Now I have to go add disposable gloves to the grocery list. Maybe I'll do some underwear shopping while I'm at it.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Where were we? .... Oh, right!

In my last post (before I so rudely went back to work and got too busy to write to you) I mentioned that things had been too busy over the holidays for my parents to talk to me about my "issue" (the fact that I'm into men and not chicks). Well I may have jumped the gun just a tad. Sitting in the passenger seat of a car tends to make one a captive audience for the driver. I almost managed to make it through the holidays without the topic coming up but then I found myself alone in the car with my Dad on the way to the airport. It wasn't as bad as it could have been. He basically just said that he hopes I continue to consider what we discussed this past summer and now that I am out on my own I need to make my own decisions. He said based on what desicions I make I can either be happy or miserable. In my head I was thinking that if I made the decision he wanted me to it would have the opposite affect than what he was saying would happen. I could cite countless examples where this is the case.

In other news, I made it back to Calgary in one piece although I did have to sit with the peasants for the return trip and my snowboard didn't make the flight. I survived and my snowboard arrived the next day so everything is good. I have also moved into my new place. Saturday Jeff and Doug helped me move. I've never driven a large truck before so driving the Uhaul was fun. I think Doug was a little nervous riding shotgun. It probably didn't help that I told him I had gone through a red light earlier in the morning. Ooops! Jeff arrived in time to supervise the finishing touches of the packing and then we were off to Sunnyside. I wasn't sure what I thought of the place when I saw it empty but now that I've moved in it feels much homier than my last place. It's in a much nicer neighborhood and as Reid mentioned I can walk to work. Although, it takes 25 minutes not 15 like he said but I used to have a 1/2 hour bus ride anyways. The walk goes right through Prince's Island park and is really nice but I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. Right now Calgary is sitting at 1C (34F). By tomorrow evening it is supposed to be -20C (-4F) with a windchill of -35C (-31F). I think I'll pull out my extra mittens and wear the toque with the ear flaps tomorrow.