Thursday, December 28, 2006

Happy Endings

How was everyone's Christmas? Mine was good. As I suspected, we've been to busy to discuss my sexuality and the moral ramifications thereof. (Can you tell I've been hanging out with my friend A? Our vocabulary tends to be slightly pedantic - I learned that word from Kalvin). I only have two more days. Tomorrow will be spent getting ready to have friends over for a games night and then Saturday my parents have a wedding to attend and I fly out around supper time and get back to Calgary by 11:00 so there really isn't much time available to have discussions.
I went with A tonight to see The Holiday. I liked it but I tend to like sappy, romantic, happy ending movies. Cameron Diaz's character was poorly written. I didn't find her convining at all. Jude Lay was yummy in all his accented goodness. I don't recall him being quite so hirsute. I was trying to decide during one of the post bedroom scenes whether I found it attractive or not and I couldn't make up my mind. I guess it depends on the guy and the phase of the moon. Who knows?
In other news, you may recall that I was recently asked to vacate my apartment to make room for condos. I was able to look at a place a few hours before catching my flight to come home for Christmas and I got it. It's smaller than I have now but it's also less expensive and I won't have as long a commute to work. When the weather is nice I can probably even walk to work. Now I'm going to have to repack everything along with all the new stuff I just got and set it all back up again in the new place. When I get back on Sunday I have to meet up with the new landlord to pay him the deposit. I also need to remember to pick up some groceries as well as party supplies for Reid and Joe's NYE party. Hope everyone's doing well. I can't wait to get back to Calgary.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Safe and sound

I arrived safely. I just thought I'd let you know because I knew you were worried.
The flights all went very smoothly. I got bumped to executive class on the Calgary to Toronto flight. I don't know if I'll be able to sit with the common folk ever again. Once one has had their water brought to them in a glass cup on a cloth napkin covered tray a plastic cup from the cart just won't do anymore.

I hope everyone is having a safe and happy holiday.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

See you in the New Year.

My bags are packed and I leave after work tomorrow for the east coast so I'll see you in the New Year.

Actually that might not be true. If you're here in Calgary I'll technically be back before New Years. If you're in the blogosphere then you might hear from me before New Years as well. My parents have wireless so I can safely blog from the comfort of my bedroom. It will just depend on wether I feel like it or not.

I had kind of hinted in previous posts that I was dealing with something and that I might blog about it. It's not really a huge deal but I've been having mixed feelings about going home for Christmas. I'm feeling some anxiety wondering if my parents are going to want to talk about the whole "gay thing". I'm hoping that we'll be too busy with family and visiting. My siblings don't know yet so my parents won't want to talk about it when they're around so that's kind of a good thing.

At the same time, I'm excited to see my nephews. This was taken last Christmas.

I used to hold the title of favourite uncle. Now I hope he remembers me. This year should be fun because he's more aware of things and can get excited. He turned two Yesterday.

He also has a little brother this year. He was only a month old when I moved so it will be interesting to see how he's grown and how his personality is developing.

Merry Christams everyone!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


So much for that post I was telling you about. I stayed late at work to try and get some work done before I head back East for Christmas. Then when I got home there was a note under my door telling me that I have to move out by the end of March. I just moved in a month ago!!!! I knew they were going to be turning the building into condos because I stumbled across it on their website but when I asked about it I was told they didn't have any definite plans yet and that nothing would happen until late spring at the earliest. Last time I checked March was early spring not late spring! They are offering a move out bonus if we move out by the end of January so that's good. I want to do it then anyways because by the time March gets here I'll be right in the middle of tax season working 12 hours a day 6 days a week. It just ticks me off because I specifically asked about when they might be kicking people out to start renovations because I knew I would be busy in the spring. GRRRRR!!! I FEEL LIKE WRITING A HARSHLY WORDED EMAIL ALL IN CAPS!!!! But being the docile non-confrontationalist that I am, I won't.

Monday, December 18, 2006

I'm just lazy

I've been having trouble posting lately so I found Atari's post on posting from Thursday quite interesting. I definitely don't put as much thought as he does into my posts. A big part of that is plain laziness. I had to laugh in University when we did the Meyers-Briggs personality type tests and mine came back with this description "ISTP's are often perceived as being lazy when in reality they are just being efficient by saving energy for meaningful tasks,". It's true that when I am doing a task I like to do it in the most efficient way I know how but that hardly excuses the fact that I'm lazy. Another reason I'm having trouble posting is I can't decide what to write about. When I started my blog it was more just to become a part of something. I had been reading other people's blogs for a while and didn't feel right about just lurking or posting random comments. I think people like to have an idea of who is posting comments on their blogs. A big part of blogging for me is reading other blogs. That's why I enjoy a wide variety. I like blogs that mostly recount daily happenings with a humorous twist for the entertainment value, I like blogs that delve into personal issues and histories because it helps me to understand other people better as well as myself, and I also like blogs that discuss issues because it makes me think about the bigger issues and consider different points of view. So one of the reasons I started blogging was because I felt it was only fair that I offer something for others to read. It might not be very good but at least I'm not just consuming without giving back.
The trouble with deciding what to write has to do with the different types of posts that one can write. I could write about daily occurrences but I'm a much better listener than storyteller. I don't find my life all that exciting or so I can just imagine what you would think. There's only so many times you can write about who fell asleep before whom while battling Apocalypse's forces with your mutant abilities. While I certainly enjoy hanging out playing PS2, it doesn't exactly make for a riveting post. I have a general interest in current political and sociological events so I could write about them but that would involve effort. Quite often I'll read something and will feel like writing a commentary on it but the article often isn't enough to base an entire post on. I like to have supporting documentation to support my opinion on the topic and that requires more work. This is where the ISTP part of me kicks in and says "You know, there really are more efficient ways of spending your time. Like reading other people's blogs,". The other option is to write about personal issues. This is problematic for two reasons. First, there's not very much history to tell (you're watching history in the making). And secondly, any issues that I am dealing with are still on going and I haven't reached any conclusions in my own mind let alone putting them in writing. That's another trait I have as an introvert. Introverts tend to analyze things internally and then share once a conclusion has been reached where extroverts tend to share and discuss as a way of reaching a conclusion.
Another reason I don't like writing a lot is because I tend to babble. Which is exactly what has happened here. What started out as an introduction has morphed into a full blown post. I'll have to write about what I was originally going to sometime this week.

Monday, December 11, 2006

I am like SO gay!

If there was any doubt before it has been soundly squashed by this test (via Secret Simon via...). My inner straight dude is currently gagging on vomit. Basket of kittens! Widdle toesies!! Blech! I guess I'm only fooling myself when I tell people I don't do cute. Oh well. At least I'm not going around saying "Sup? From outa town?"

If you'll excuse me it's time for me to go sing along with little orphan Annie. The sun'll come out tomorrow....

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Yay Internet!

I have rejoined society. If you've been considering monkhood, I don't recommend it. Conversations with one's self tend to loose their appeal after about a week of solitude. On the other hand, not having internet or a TV does give you time to practise handstands in your living room.
As you can see I have acquired access to the internet. I didn't feel like posting from work but I did peak in on those of you who maintain relatively work safe blogs so I haven't been gone completely. I stopped at the postal outlet at the mall across the street on my way home from the Skybar Christmas bash to pick up my starter kit from my internet service provider. I have managed to get it set up and going (obviously) but I can't seem to get my wireless router to work so no blog reading on the can for now I guess.
Skybar's Christmas bash went off without a hitch (nothing broken that I'm aware of). This was my first so I have nothing to compare it too but it seemed like everyone had a good time and the food was fabulous. There was plenty of Christmas cheer being had by all (except for a few designated drivers), prayers were said, and even some carols were sung around the piano. Skybar managed to leave the vacuum cleaner away until after the guests had left but I'm told that the floors have been scrubbed, the dishes all done, and the bedding changed. I guess we'll just have to have another party. We wouldn't want a clean house to go to waste.
Well I must be getting to bed now. I can't be groggy at work. We're starting into year end deadlines for clients and the office is closed Christmas week so I have files to clear off my desk. Part of me can't believe that I've been there a month already and another part of me feels like it's been longer.