Thursday, October 05, 2006

Entering Society

So I met Jeff for coffee this afternoon before I had an interview in the neighboring office tower. Doug joined us as well (You may have met him if you were in SF for Pride). He had a job posting for me from his company and Jeff had one for him (Jeff's trying to supplement his income by collecting referral bonuses). As a result of meeting Doug, I now have to come up with a Halloween costume so I decided to see what google could come up with. Here's a sampling of what I found.

  • Well Hung - This is obviously for the man who has a large ego and hates to dress up. Wear normal clothing and hang a noose around your neck.
  • Freudian Slip - Wear a slip, preferably black, with a sign around your neck that says "Freud."
  • Pink Floyd - Wear pink clothes. Add a name tag that says "Floyd."
  • Hat Rack - Wear a hat on your head and say you're a hat rack.
  • Sugar Daddy - Attach candy all over yourself.
  • First Class Male - Buy some stamps and paste them on your face or glue some onto an old shirt.
  • Nudist on Strike - Dress in normal clothes and carry a sign that says "Nudist on Strike."

This one wouldn't be hard. I have a t-shirt about schizophrenia and I could pick up some name tags.

  • Identity Crisis / Multiple Personality - Put "Hello my name is..." tags with random names all over your body.

I think I'm leaning towards one of these two.

  • Mastercard Ad - Wear whatever clothing you choose. Attach a sign to your back that says "Shirt: $30...Jeans: $50...Shoes: $70......Halloween costume that took minimal effort: Priceless.
  • Got Milk? - Wear a sign that says "Got Milk?". Paint a milk mustache over your lip with make-up or other non-toxic white substance.

In other news, it appears like there may be a considerable contingent of Canadians making the trek to San Francisco for Pride next summer. Now you know so you can't say you weren't warned.


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